What is my hair structure? Are my tips healthy or splitting? It is not so easy to recognize our current hair condition and we can get overwhelmed when we are asked about our hair needs and wishes. Often it is simply impossible to assess one's exact hair condition and structure with the naked eye.
The Yours Truly hair analysis is the next level in personalized hair care. It helps you find out what your hair really needs - with the help of science!
Discover hair care based on you. 100% analyzed. 100% personalized.
Best of all, you don't have to worry about getting your hair profile right. We do it for you!
Order Hair Analysis now
Wondering how hair analysis works at home? In 3 simple steps:
1. Fill out the online questionnaire and at the end add the hair analysis in the package with the personalized shampoo and conditioner to your shopping cart.
After you have filled out the questionnaire, we will send the hair analysis kit with everything you need to take the hair sample to your home. You want to order the hair analysis without personalized products? Then just add the hair analysis to your shopping cart.
2. Take your hair sample and pack it in the sample bag.
You can either cut off the sample or collect it from your brush. The hair in the sample should be at least 15 cm long.

3. Send in your hair sample.
Put the sample bag in the prepaid envelope and send it back to us.
After we analyze your hair sample in our lab, we will customize your formula based on the findings of the analysis, if you have ordered the analysis in a package with products. Your personalized (and analyzed) products will then be sent directly to your home along with a report of the results and our findings.
If you have chosen hair analysis only, you will receive a report on your hair health after the analysis.
You want to be on the safe side and prefer to have your hair sample taken by an expert? Then visit a Yours Truly® hair analysis salon. Together with your stylist you will follow these 3 simple steps:
1. Fill out the online questionnaire together in the salon.
2. Your stylist takes the hair sample.
3. Your stylist sends in the hair sample.

What are the benefits from a hair analysis? You will learn everything about:
- Your true hair structure
- The cuticle condition of your hair
- The elasticity of your hair
- Your hair thickness
- Your overall hair health
Du erhältst Produkte, die Dein Haar besser kennen als jeder andere und Deinen wirklichen Haarzustand berücksichtigen. Für die optimale Haarpflege – ohne Kompromisse.
Get your hair analyzed
Your hair sample tells us the story of your hair. After it arrives at the Yours Truly® laboratory and is prepared for analysis, we will create your comprehensive hair profile. During the analysis, we subject your hair to various scientific tests and methods, such as powerful microscope imaging and tensile testing. Based on these tests, we will optimally adjust your formula based on our results and findings. The findings of your hair are considered in the personalized products that we send directly to your home.