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The great mystery: why hair loss - and what helps against it?

15 October 2023
You brush your hair, and you see all the hair that comes out, the drain in your shower needs to be cleaned after every hair wash and a carpet of hair is spreading in your apartment. Hair loss can be scary, especially if you're not sure if what you're experiencing is normal or if there's a serious problem behind it. We get it! And we want to take away your worries. Following we give you answers to your questions about hair loss.

What is normal hair loss?

Before we go into detail, it is important to understand that hair loss is a natural part of the hair cycle. Everyone loses a certain amount of hair every day, and this is usually quite normal. We lose about 50 to 100 hairs per day. This can be due to brushing, washing or just the natural loss of old hair. If you are worried about whether the amount of your hair loss is normal or not, you can look out for the following signs.

How do I notice hair loss?

Hair loss Pinit
Changes in hair volume: If you notice that your hair looks thinner and less voluminous, this could be a sign of hair loss.

More hair in the brush or in the drain: If you notice that you are losing more hair than usual, especially while brushing or showering, you should be alert.

Visible bald spots: The appearance of bald patches or thin hair in certain areas on your scalp is a clear sign of hair loss.

Itchy or painful scalp: Sometimes hair loss can be accompanied by an irritated or itchy scalp.

Varying hair thickness: An absolute indication of hair loss is varying hair thickness. Up to 20% variation is possible! This is difficult to determine yourself. Therefore, we offer our Yours Truly hair analysis. Click here and learn more.

What are the reasons for hair loss?

There are several causes of hair loss, and they can vary from person to person. Here are some common reasons:

Genetics: Heredity plays a big role in hair loss, unfortunately. If your parents or grandparents have suffered from hair loss, there is a higher chance that you will as well.

Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels that occur during pregnancy, menopause, birth control or hormonal imbalances can trigger hair loss.

Stress: Chronic stress can lead to hair loss. The lifespan of the hair follicle is negatively affected by overexertion.

Diet: An unbalanced diet deficient in important nutrients such as iron, biotin and protein can promote hair loss.

Medications and diseases: Certain medications and health problems can have hair loss as a side effect.

Seasonal: Seasonal hair loss in the fall and winter could be a result of UV radiation in the summer. Additionally, hair loss can be triggered by seasonal illnesses such as the flu or colds.

What should you look out for and what can you do?

Anti hair loss product Pinit
The good news is that there are ways to treat hair loss and promote hair growth. Here's what you can do:

Eat a healthy diet: Make sure you eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Stress management: Try to reduce stress by integrating relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga into your daily routine.

Medication: In some cases, doctors may prescribe medication to treat hair loss.

Sun protection: Cover your hair and scalp with a cap, scarf or hat when the sun is strong to protect them from UV rays.

Scalp massages to promote blood circulation: Give your hair roots more vitality with stimulated blood circulation. Massage your scalp once or twice a day.

Our recommendation: With our Yours Truly Tonic Hair Growth, you activate the regeneration of the hair follicle's collagen production. Hair growth is stimulated, and hair loss is counteracted at the same time.

Tonic Hair Growth

Hair Care: Use gentle, natural hair care products that do not contain harsh chemicals. Be sure to adapt your hair care routine to the appropriate season and your current needs. Especially during seasonal hair loss, this is a real game changer. And yes, it's easy. With Yours Truly, you can individually transform your desires and needs into the perfect personalized hair care. It gets even more targeted when we analyze your hair in our lab. Your hair and scalp are guaranteed to get everything they need, and together we can fight hair loss.

Hair Analysis

Hair loss can be stressful, but you are not alone. With proper care and attention, you can help your hair stay healthy and strong. Remember, it's important to act early for best results.

And remember, true beauty comes from within and a healthy self-confidence is the most beautiful crown you can wear.


PS: You want to learn more about hair loss? Then click here and use our detailed guide „Hair loss - what you need to know!“


Pictures: Header: ©KMPZZZ -, 1. picture: ©LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS -, 2. picture: ©Yours Truly

Annemarie Graf

Hi, I am a passionate master certified hairdresser and a long term trainer for hair stylists. My place of comfort lays between product development and latest fashion trends. In my blog, I take you into the world of Hair, Clean Beauty and Yours Truly.

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